This American President
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The Great American Progressives (Roosevelt, Wilson, and Addams) and the Dawn of World War I

June 17, 2022
00:00 56:25
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In the first two decades of the 20th century, America stood poised to dominate the world economically and geopolitically--a fact underscore by the key role the United States played in World War I. During this time, three Americans rose to prominence, seeking to transform their country so it could cope with the challenges of a new age: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Jane Addams. In this episode, we discuss their competing progressive agendas with Neil Lanctot, author of The Approaching Storm: Roosevelt, Wilson, Addams, and Their Clash over America's Future.
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Host: Richard Lim
Producer: Michael Neal
Artist: Nip Rogers,

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Meet Your Hosts
Richard is a writer and history enthusiast who has served at the White House and George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate.
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Michael is a consultant and a freelance podcast producer.
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